Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I got Netflix!!! I can have three DVD's out at a time and keep them as long as I want. Of course if I keep them to long it defeats the purpose of the program because I can check out as many as I want in a month. I will be getting one movie for David/Family, one movie for Mom/Dad and then one TV series. The TV series is my main reason for joining, they have every series that has been released. I can get my favorite series and watch them in order from the beginning. So cool. My first choices are "The Guardian", "ET" and "Quantum Leap" season 1. I have about 70 choices in my queue - mostly TV series.


mclynch said...

I've wondered how that worked. Sounds like you will make good use of it. I've never been a big tv fan and I buy old videos at garage sales so don't know that I would use it until I'm through my video library.

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy Netflix. I use Netflix to watch a lot of TV series as well. I've been wanting to watch Quantum Leap myself.

The Family

The Family
Kurt II, Mom, David, Cornell, Kurt, Heather

Kurt II, David, Heather, Cornell

Kurt II and Adrienne

Kurt II and Adrienne