Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's a kid explosion

It felt like our home exploded in children last night. Here is how it went:
2 kids at home
1 kid returned home
1 kid came back from college to visit
1 grandchild visiting
1 foster child
3 additional foster children.
9 kids. Wow

Wonder why I am tired today.

- 1 went back to college
- 1 grandchild went home
-/+ 1 other fc came and went (24 hour respite)
Down to 7 kids at home (and Friday morning there were 3). Getting everyone ready for school should be a riot!!!

1 comment:

mk said...

Wow! I think you must spend a lot of time being very flexible!! I am a counselor. The decatastrophizing stuff is very helpful.

The Family

The Family
Kurt II, Mom, David, Cornell, Kurt, Heather

Kurt II, David, Heather, Cornell

Kurt II and Adrienne

Kurt II and Adrienne