Sunday, March 11, 2007

Daylight Saving Time

Just for the record I do not like daylight saving time. I like the sun coming up early, what can I say I am a morning person. During daylight saving time it is much, much, much harder to get kids to go to bed at a resonable hour - "But mmmooommm, the sun is still up". It is harder for me to get to sleep at a resonable hour but I still have to get up very early. I have to manually reset every clock in the house including my PDA. Since they decided to move DST three weeks early my PDA will not automatically reset unless I download the update. Well with being sick and then my sons reception/going away party yesterday I didn't have time to upgrade. Now I have to reset my PDA today, in three weeks (because then it will automatically update), the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Maybe if daylight saving time was June - August I wouldn't mind so much. Why do 49 states in the nation recognize DST but not Arizona? The best place I have lived when it comes to the sun and moon shift was the Philippines. They didn't have DST because they didn't need it. The sun came up between 6:00-6:30am and went down between 6:00-6:30pm, year round. Oops, now it is 8:00am (for me 7:00am) and I have lots to do, gotta go.


Christy said...

I have a love/hate relationship with it. When we were living in Indiana, they didn't have DST. They started it the year after we left. It was nice to not have to change the clocks but we lived close enough to the Illinois border and the part of Indiana that DID change their clocks that it was hard keeping track.

mclynch said...

I can take it or leave it. I'm just a little slow to adapt to the change!

The Family

The Family
Kurt II, Mom, David, Cornell, Kurt, Heather

Kurt II, David, Heather, Cornell

Kurt II and Adrienne

Kurt II and Adrienne