Thursday, March 8, 2007

Icky Sicky day 2

Yesterday's feeling better in the afternoon was just a brief reprieve. By the time I had picked up kids I was back in bed with severe chills. I had a comforter and two heavy blankets over me and was still shivering. My DH (who is super sick also) was kind enough to get me some warm water with lemon and honey. It helped a little but then I finally fell asleep. Today the nausea is gone but the body aches are in full force. As soon as I get kids to school it is back to bed. The good thing I am getting a lot of reading done (and yesterday - who wanted to be out on an icky day like it was anyways).

1 comment:

mclynch said...

So sorry to hear that you are still feeling so bad. Can I bring in something for supper? If I know by noon I can make a casserole or if later, a bucket of Kentucky Fried chicken or a pizza. We are going out a little before 5 but I'd be happy to bring something over.

The Family

The Family
Kurt II, Mom, David, Cornell, Kurt, Heather

Kurt II, David, Heather, Cornell

Kurt II and Adrienne

Kurt II and Adrienne